Entries by Chrissanne Long

Intro to Zoom with Dave Kramer

BRIDGE Local is committed to making connections accessible for everyone, no matter how busy they might be! If you’re just getting started with Zoom, don’t worry – Dave has put together some resources and answered a few of our members’ questions to help you begin using Zoom in your business!

There are no Small Things

Introducing ShopSmallPolk.com (+ An Invitation to Get Your Business Involved) Since 2010, American Express has brought attention to Small Businesses in communities around the globe. That year, they launched the Small Business Saturday campaign, and they continue each year, spending what likely has become millions of dollars to get the word out for the small […]

Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurs: Think Like an Owner

I just got off the phone with a client – and in this case, a family member. She’s being pulled in so many different directions. Her partner wants to do things one way, her intuition tells her something else. She is frustrated and confused. She originally called me about a month ago to help her […]

Lakeland Business Leaders: Get out there and VOTE!

What does it mean to be a “business leader?” To me, it means more than registering my business on Sunbiz and paying the annual taxes to the city, county, and state. It’s more than certifications, insurance, workman’s comp, payroll, etc. Being a leader means walking the walk, not just talking the talk, or going through the motions. […]

What Changes are We Trying to Make?

I think this is an important question and today, I would like to share what change I personally want to work toward making. It’s the main reason I have created LBL and continue to do the things I think can help bring us to more alignment in the business community. I usually reserve these thoughts […]

Small Biz Survey- Take it Today!

Hey, Small Biz Owners: We’re conducting a survey of Lakeland Area Small Businesses. We want to know what YOU need to scale or grow YOUR business! We realize there are challenges that we all face as entrepreneurs, and we want to find ways to help you overcome those challenges! By gathering this data, we hope to […]

LBL Inaugural Campaign of Giving

The year, 2017, is coming to a close. This will forever be the year that we started something new, and important. This might be a long post, but it’s worth reading: As a business owner, in this community, you pour your heart and soul into the work you do. You stay late, you cover shifts, […]