LBL takes word of mouth to the next level by making it fun and easy for businesses to be seen by local customers while strengthening their professional network!
Benefits of LBL Membership
What is a “Premium Member” and How Do I Sign up?
A Premium member is any member of the Lakeland Business Leaders Forum – Facebook group (found here: who has paid an annual membership fee to be included as a featured business on
So, we get a listing, what else?
In addition to the directory listing on Lakeland Connection, premium members will enjoy these additional benefits:
Only Premium Members enjoy the benefit of promoting their business, their event or their specials within the Facebook group. Those who are not premium members who promote their business without upgrading will be advised of this policy. If they continue, links/posts will be removed and if the promotion continues, the person will be removed from the group.
- Attend all Meet and Greets Networking Events FREE of charge. (Typically, these events take place on the LAST Thursday of the month).
- Attend (or host) LBL Power Breakfasts FREE of charge. (Weekly breakfasts are held on Tuesdays at 8:00 am at various locations.
- Attend (or host) LBL Power Lunches FREE of charge. Weekly Lunches are held on Fridays at 12:00 pm at various locations.
- Each premium member has the benefit to invite one (new) guest to each event for no additional charge. General admission for Meet and Greet Events is $10.
- Only Premium members will be invited to host the Meet and Greet Events, if their location supports the number of people attending. Hosts are responsible for the cost of food and beverages, unless another premium members wishes to sponsor the catering.
- “Proud to be Local” Membership Clings will be provided to premium members. (Available at the offline events, and upon request).
- Premium Members will have the ability to advertise member to member Lakeland Business Leaders specials within their listing. (optional)
- Additional Benefits are being discussed that will serve the members of the group! We look forward to growing this group and this network with everyone!
Being an avid Facebook user I came across Lakeland Business Leaders. Wow! I struck Gold!!! Where else could you find an audience of over 3500 people that care as much about Lakeland as I do?
Starting my business was MUCH easier having a community cheering me on!
I am a better manager because I’ve been blessed by the input and expertise of a diverse group of professionals.