The Cost of Inaction
“The graveyard is the richest place on Earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” – Les Brown
Have you ever thought about the cost of actions you don’t take? Like that person you never introduced yourself to, that client you never followed up with, that networking event you didn’t attend, etc. Most people are so caught up in what they’re currently doing, that they don’t take the time to think about what they’re not doing.
We wanted to bring up this thought-provoking topic to our group so that they could take some time to reflect on it. Continue reading to dive deeper into this rich conversation!
Editor’s Note: Quotes have been lightly edited for clarity and length.
The why’s behind inaction
“The reason I don’t do something is because I’m scared, uncomfortable, etc.” – Dianne Kaplan, 1st Priority Staffing
“I struggle with feeling overwhelmed that I’m trying to do too much.” – Jill Dorsett, Realtor & CEO of Dorsett Holdings
“I lack confidence, personally.” – Teresa O’Brien, Help(her)
“It’s hard to take a pause from everyday life and reflect on your purpose and what matters to you.” – Annie Ulle, BRIDGE Local & Maximize Digital Media
Dianne Kaplan referenced the quote, “The comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.”
“We procrastinate.” – Clarke Freed, Freed & Associates and The Bartow Chamber of Commerce
“Everything starts with the commitment level. Are we committed enough? A lot of people in business are just rolling through the motions…They’re not fully committed to what they’re doing.” – Chrissanne Long, BRIDGE Local and Maximize Digital Media
Take action now!
“You may have regrets later in life for not taking action due to fear, lack of knowledge or support, self doubt, etc.” – Tonya Tucker, BRIDGE Local & Maximize Digital Media
“Failure is part of the success process.” – Jill Dorsett, Realtor & CEO of Dorsett Holdings
“I have to believe in myself and do it. In the end, I’ll know if it was worth it or not. If nothing else, I will learn something.” – Teresa O’Brien, Help(her)
“I don’t have a lot of fears. I’m aggressive when it comes to chasing new adventures. The only mistakes are mistakes not learned from.” – Larry Dunn, Innovative Ink
“Take the adventure! The COI (cost of inaction) can grab us and strangle us at the micro level.” – Clarke Freed, Freed & Associates
The gift of sharing experiences
Chrissanne ended the meeting by saying, “The gifts we can give others is sharing experiences of when we were stuck and how we got through it.” This is exactly why we host biweekly Mastermind Meetings. We want you to share your experiences with others to help them take action.
To see the full conversation, watch the video above and follow us on Facebook for our upcoming events!